Dragon Age : The last Court est un jeu par navigateur gratuit réalisé par Failbetter Games, la compagnie à l'origine de 2009's Fallen London. Le jeu est basé sur du texte et met en évidence la chronologie entre Dragon Age II et Dragon Age Inquisition.
Dragon Age : The last Court était accessible via l'interface de Dragon age Keep mais a été désactivé le 17 novembre 2020.
Voici quelques images et une vidéo en anglais de Lady Insanity qui vous montre un aperçu du jeu.

Gagnez en puissance dans votre rôle de marquis et apprenez-en plus sur les personnages qui ont façonné le monde, ainsi que sur la vie et le peuple d'Orlaïs !

et ce petit jeu par navigateur finira t-il par être en français ?
RépondreSupprimerSi seulement il y a du succès je pense, sinon il faudra compter sur une éventuelle bénévolat pour traduire.
RépondreSupprimerJe pense bien qu'une traduction française sera disponible ! Même si elle n'est pas présenté officiellement, il y aura toujours des fans pour nous offrir un patch de langue gratuitement ! :)
RépondreSupprimerUn petit récap des PNJs et de ce qu'ils donnent en échange des faveurs qu'ils nous doivent, de la façon d'obtenir leurs faveurs, et des possibilités de les faire entrer à notre service.
RépondreSupprimerKindy Knight:
1 faveur = 3 bourses d’or
Conseiller → +20 scholarship
→ 1 faveur contre freedom, scholarship et indices
The Cheery Baron
1 faveur = 21 freedom
Conseiller → +20 derring do
1 faveur = 20 prosperity + 4 bourses d’or
conseillère → +20 scholarship
→ Faveur contre viandes et indices
Lover → Faveur contre augmentation de santé, scholarship et indices
Purveyor of tea:
1 faveure = 5 autorités (augmente le péril et rumeurs de révolution)
Accomplice → +20 cunning
→ 1 faveur contre une diminution du péril, des indices et une augmentation du cunning
1 faveur = 5 bourses d’or
Lover → +20 cunning
→ 1 faveur contre 1 secret, des indices et, s’il rate, augmentation du péril
Smiling Guild Mistress:
1 faveur = 1 bourse d’or, 10 indices et 20 prosperity
Conselor → +20 Rulership
→ 1 faveur contre augmentation rulership, cunning et authority
The Dashing Outlow:
1 faveur = 34 prosperity + 34 dignity
Bodyguard → +20 cunning
→ 1 faveur contre indices, cunning and woods-wise
Accomplice → +20 cunning
→ 1 faveur contre réduction péril, augmentation indice, cunning, prosperity, authority
The hunter:
1 faveur = 1 trophée
Bodyguard → +20 derring do
→ 1 faveur contre augmentation indices, dignité, autorité, diminution peril et rumeur
Pig farmer:
1 faveur = 2 autorité, 20 dignité
Accomplice → +20 scholarship
→ 1 faveur augmente dignité, autorité, indices, rulership et diminue twilight
The Acerbic Dowager
1 faveur = 5 bourses d’or
Conseillère → +20 rulership
→ 1 faveur contre dignité, autorité, rulership et indices
Talking with Morrigan:
Riding with you
History of serault family → 1 autorité + augmentation rulership
Her work
Her family
Her magic
The empress → 9 indices
Her mask → 8 indices
Super ! Merci Cliiment, on essaiera de créer un post spécial The Last Court et d'intégrer ce genre d'infos.
SupprimerJe n'ai pas encore eu le temps de m'y attarder.
De mon côté je vais essayer de vous donner un peu le genre de quêtes qu'il y a, et leurs gains. ça permettra aux gens d'avancer plus vite et sans faire trop d'erreurs d'appréciations comme moi ^^ (je l'ai recommencé 3 fois....)
SupprimerI. Talking with Morrigan:
Supprimer-Riding with you → Succeed: Augmentation woods wise. failed: +5 twilight
-History of serault family → 1 autorité + augmentation rulership
-Her work→ Succeed: 9 indices. Defeat: +10 rumors, +8 indices
-Her family → Succeed: +6 indices. Defeat: +10 twilight, +10 clue
-Her magic → Succeed: +6 indices
-The empress → 9 indices
-Her mask → 8 indices
II. The Bard wants a quiet word:
A. Heard of a mercenary company called the black dogs?
→ +2 périls automatiquement
-Pay them to be on their way → Succeed: lost périls. Defeat: lost 10 prosperity
-Drive them off with a show of force
-Dine with their leader → +4 perils, +7 indices, -6 prosperity
B. No sooner has he started speaking than a watchman bursts in
→ +2 perils
-enact laws to improve safety
-rebuild the ruins → Succeed: 2 indices, 6 freedom
C. I just wanted to say
→ -2 prosperity automatiquement
-Dismiss them → Succeed: +10 prosperity. Defeat: -6 dignity, +6 prosperity
-Tolerate them → Succeed: +4 dignity, +3 indices
D. I wondered if...look out!
→ +2 rumors
-administer swift justice
-interrogate the failed assassin → succeed: 5 indices
III. A meeting with the outlaw
SupprimerA. The Woods wake, she tell you
→ +2 twilight automatiquement
-Take no part → +1 authority
-Warn even the lawless folk → +10 perils, -20 twilight
-Drive criminals into the deepwoods
B. I saw a black sail on the river two nights ago
→ -2 prosperity
-Tighten the policing of the river
-Wait them out → Succeed: -10 prosperity, +5 indices
-Hire mercenaries and lay a trap for the river-pirates
C. We found something in the woods. A cave. And inside…
→ +2 perils, +2 twilight
-Seal the cave and cover up the existence of maleficarum → Succeed: +10 dignity
-Hunt down the maleficar
D. The bandit-clans are gathering. They’ve called a council.
IV. Road and river
A. An upsurge in banditry
→ +2 perils automatiquement
- finance more and better-equiped patrols
- ride against them yourself → Succeed: -20 perils, -5 indices
- do nothing, yet
- Ask the dashing outlaw to police the woods → -1 faveur outlaw
B. An urgent report from you border guard
C. The merchant bows before your court
→ +2 perils
-Provide a map of Serault → Succeed: Failed: +5 freedom, +5 rumors
-Convince her to include Serault on her regular trading route
-Purchase some finery
D. Your bailiff returns to the castle beaten, bleeding and empty-handed
→ -2 dignity
-Sanction the local villages until the bandits are handed over → Succeed: -10 perils
-Spread tax increases across the Marquisate
-Hunt down the perpetrators yourself
V. The Herald
SupprimerA. A maiden of your court begs a moment of your time
→ -2 dignity automatiquement
-Hold a ball and dance → succeed: +10 dignity
-Hold the tourney aniway → Succeed: +1 bourse d’or, -10 PV
B. Sad news your grace
-Claim a tithe of the legacy for Serault
-Scrupulously follow the will → Succeed: +4 dignity, +3 indices
C. My master recently visited the empress court
→ -2 dignity
-Give a richer gift in exchange
-Accept his gift and return only a polite letter → Succeed: +10 prosperity
-Match his gift and ply the herald with wine
VI. Glass
A. A shortage of soda ashe
B. "Your Grace, bad news. Crossed glass swords hang over the glassworks' gates."
→ -2 prosperity
-Make an exemple of someone
-Grant Leniancy → Succeed: +5 prosperity, +5 freedom
-Delay a decision
C. "A commission! A sizeable commission."
→ +2 rumors
-Limit the glassworker’s freedom
-Turn down the commission → -10 prosperity, +1 authority
-Deliver a lesser work
VII. Omens
A. A visitation of ravens
→ +2 twilight
-Call for soothsayers to read the signs
-ignore the portents → Succeed: -10 twilight, +20 prosperity
-decipher their meaning yourself
B. A sudden storm
→ +2 perils
-Restore Serault’s roads → Succeed: +6 prosperity, +2 indices
-Tend to Serault’s people
C. Attend the rites of the Masked Andraste
D. The wispering woods
→ +2 perils
-Take no part → 1 authority
-Drive criminals into the deep woods
-warn even the lawless folk
E. Maleficarium
-Seal the cave and cover up the existence of maleficarum → Succeed: 10 dignity
-Hunt down the maleficar
VIII. The fields
A. As you ride back to the castle someone jokes about your parentage
→ -2 dignity
-Have the peasant punished → Succeed: -10 freedom, +10 dignity, +1 authority
B. You pass through a plague-village
→ -2 prosperity
-Search the Applewoods for curative herbs → Succeed: +6 prosperity
-Disperse the villagers among neighboring manors
-Order the digging of a new well → Succeed: -1 bourse d'or, +1 authority, +?
C. You travel across a manor fallen on hard times
D. A coil of smoke rises over the trees
→ +2 perils
-Increase patrols along the edge of the Tirashan
-Revive the old, hard laws of the western forest → Succeed: -4 perils, +3 indices
IX. Enlightenment
SupprimerA. A rootless scholar begs your patronage
→ +2 rumors
-Become is patron
-Turn him away → Succeed: +10 dignity
-Allow him to stay for just a few days
B. A commotion in the plaza
C. Put down a rebellion
D. Graffiti covers the walls of every house on the plaza
→ -2 dignity
-Scrub Serault clean → Succeed: +5 dignity, -5 rumors
-Try to crack the code→ Succeed: +3 indices, +?
X. The Dowager steps forward
A. Allow me to introduce an emissary from a dear friend
→ -2 dignity
-Give a richer gift in exchange
-Accept his gift and return only a polite letter → Succeed: +10 prosperity
-Match his gift and ply the herald with wine
B. She is grey with grief, and wears a mourning mask
XI. The knight requests an audience
A. A plague assails my land
→ -2 prosperity
-Search the Applewoods for curative herbs → Succeed: +6 prosperity
-Disperse the villagers among neighboring manors
-Order the digging of a new well
B. "Allow me to introduce a remarkable young gentlemen..."